It’s been 12 days since Pendoria pushed its latest update and we’ve been hard at work, about an hour ago the server went down for a quick patch. Here’s a post detailing what it included, along with a few notes that might interest players.


We’ve fixed a decent amount of bugs recently, including one which caused all quintuple purchased with rhodium to reward twice the amount that it should. This bug has been around for over a month and was just recently discovered, on the upside this means that for over a month Pendoria has been matching all double purchases for quite a while.


On top of that there is now a new player requested feature; gifts! Gifting works almost exactly like wires, pardon the command is /gift and it does not inform the reciever of whom it was that sent the gift.

  • /gift user amount type

A small note that people have raised some concerns about spamming, we would like to state that we will not tolerate gifting with the intention of annoying the player whom is receiving the gifts.

To add to that, here’s an official statement from Admin Silent;

A small note that if anyone is receiving spam gifts, please report it to staff and the player will be dealt with accordingly.

Wiring Cogs

Speaking of wires, you can now wire golden cogs, all of the following will work;

  • /wire user amount cog
  • /wire user amount cogs
  • /wire user amount gc

No more cog buy orders for 1 each, unless you’re a serious low baller.

Save Your Ingots

If you don’t have enough ingots to last you a week and through the event, then don’t use them! In a week on December 13th the Scrapmas event will start, which is a perfect time to use your ingots - so be sure to save them!

That’s It?

Alright, that’s it for this post. I’m going to continue to write up more, so if you enjoyed it then be sure to read the next one! If you disliked it then please tell me why down in the comments, and I’ll consider your opinion.

This series of posts is archived at the link below if you missed any.

Join Pendoria If You Haven’t!

If you haven’t joined it’s never too late to start playing! Below I have a referral link that helps me out on the game if you click it and sign up, so please click that link, however if you don’t want to you can always click the other link.

If you don’t care, click the first one, it doesn’t hurt you at all.

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