Pendorian Elite UI
Changes a large portion of Pendoria's text and UI to 'Elite' blue and makes small changes to the UI.
What is it?
Pendorian Elite UI is a custom user script written by Puls3 for Pendoria.
GitHub Downloads

GitLab Mirror

Alternative Downloads

Any downloads not linked above are not supported.
  • First, download Violentmonkey.
  • Then, go to the Downloads section above, and click the download button.
  • Violentmonkey will display a "confirm Installation" button, confirm the installation.
  • Refresh Pendoria.
  • Open up the Violentmonkey extension.
  • Open up the Violentmonkey dashboard.
  • Scroll to Pendorian Elite UI and click the edit button.
  • Scroll to the [Options] section.
  • Customize the values.
  • Refresh Pendoria.

Steps may differ on other extensions and browsers!
These steps are for Violentmonkey on Firefox.
Supported Browsers
All versions are developed and tested on the latest version of Firefox.
  • Compatible with Mozilla Firefox v76.
  • Compatible with Google Chrome v81.
  • Compatible with Opera v64.
  • Compatible with Microsoft Edge v81.
  • Compatible with most Chromium based browsers.
  • Not compatible with Safari v12.
  • Not compatible with Internet Explorer v11.

Report incompatibilities down below in the issues section.
Note that older Pendorian Elite UI and browser versions are no longer supported.
Supported Extensions
All versions are developed and tested on the latest version of Violentmonkey.
  • Compatible with Violentmonkey v2.12.7.
  • Compatible with Tampermonkey v4.9.
  • Not compatible with Greasemonkey v4.9.

Report incompatibilities down below in the issues section.
Note that older Pendorian Elite UI and extension versions are no longer supported.
If you have any ideas or potential features you would like to be added, let me know and I'll consider adding them.

I'm tracking every suggestion I'm considering here.
Make A Suggestion
There are currently no known issues in the current release.
Report An Issue
My name is Puls3 on Pendoria, if you have any need to contact me you should do it there.
If you absolutely need an immediate response you may message me directly on Discord. (@Puls3)
Clone Policy
  • I do consent to a modified version of this script being distributed with credit as a GitHub or GitLab fork.
  • I do not consent to this script being distributed either modified or unmodified without credit.
  • I do not consent to the distribution of this script under any circumstances outside of GitHub or GitLab.

As long as you give credit where credit is due and provide a link to the original, you may create a clone and distribute it via either Github or GitLab.
However, you are not allowed to distribute this script, or any alteration of this script, on any other sites. (eg. Greasy Fork or BitBucket)

This is subject to change, Puls3 maintains all rights to Pendorian Elite UI at all times.
You are absolutely welcome to contribute code to the GitHub.

You are welcome to help with this website too.
Do you like my script?
Consider checking out some of my other cool creations here.